Search in the data
Using the endpoint /search
one can search through all the data for a specific string. Another way of using this endpoint is to filter for a specific property. See examples
The following GET-parameter are available:
Name | Type | Description |
q= | string | Query string to be searched in all indexed data. See example |
filter= | string | Filter the search result for one property:value pair. See example |
sort= | string | Sort the datasets by a specified property . Allowed sorting options are asc or desc . See example |
size= | integer | Number of datasets that should be returned by the search. Default: 10 |
from= | integer | Offset from where to begin returning size -number of datasets. Default: 0 |
format= | string | Format in which the data should be reported by the API. Default: json . See Content-Type |
Searching results can be refined through the use of bolean operators (AND
, OR
), phrase search using ""
, and truncation using *
. See advanced example
Furthermore a search can be performed using
Content-Type of return data
The Content-Type of the returned datasets is defined by the format
property. Following values are allowed and lead to the correspondingly formatted answer:
- plain json (default)jsonl
- line delimited jsonnt
- N-triplesrdf
- RDFttl
- Turtlenq
- N-quads
Some of the below examples we use the json-manipulating tool jq
to reduce the output for overview’s sake. For more information on how to use jq
, see their tutorial.
Simple Query
$ curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json"
[{"@context":"","@id":"","@type":"","about":[{"@id":" 80190","identifier":{"@type":"PropertyValue","propertyID":"RVK","value":"AN 80190"},"keywords":["Allgemeines","Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, Informationswissenschaft","Bibliothekswesen","Bibliothekswesen in einzelnen L\u00e4ndern und einzelne Bibliotheken","Einzelne deutsche Bibliotheken","Bibliotheken D","Dresden","S\u00e4chsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek"],"name":"S\u00e4chsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek","sameAs":[""]},{"@id":" 67700","identifier":{"@type":"PropertyValue","propertyID":"RVK","value":"AN 67700"},"keywords":["Allgemeines","Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, Informationswissenschaft","Bibliothekswesen","Bibliotheksarten","Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken"],"name":"Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken","sameAs":[""]}],"alternateName":["SLUB"],"alternativeHeadline":"S\u00e4chsisches Staatsministerium der Finanzen. Staatshochbauamt Dresden. [Text Michael Bartsch]","contributor":[{"@id":"","name":"Bartsch, Michael"},{"@id":"","name":"Sachsen","sameAs":""}],"dateModified":"2016-05-11T07:07:48Z","datePublished":"2002","inLanguage":["ger"],"isBasedOn":"","mentions":[{"@id":"","@type":"","name":"S\u00e4chsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek Dresden","sameAs":""},{"@id":"","name":"Geb\u00e4ude","sameAs":""}],"name":"S\u00e4chsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek Dresden","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","location":{"name":"Dresden","type":"Place"},"name":"Freistaat Sachsen, Staatsministerium der Finanzen"},"sameAs":[""]}]
Field Query
One can query a field directly by using q=field[.subfield]:querystring
. A detailed description of the query syntax can be found within the Elasticsearch documentation
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" | jq '.[].preferredName'
"[SLUB Dresden]"
"Test SLUB Dresden"
"Innenansichten SLUB 2010"
"Der Weg zur SLUB"
"Der Neubau der SLUB"
"Seniorenschulungen an der SLUB"
"SLUB präsentiert Handschriftendatenbank neu"
"Nachgefragt: Nutzer beurteilen SLUB positiv"
"Umstellung des Mailsystems der SLUB"
"Und sonntags in die SLUB!"
Filtered Query
Filters must be given in the form property:value
, where property
can be a path concatenated by dots (“.”).
Special characters like @
, :
, and /
need to be escaped using Percent-encoding
Example for valid filters:
property/path | value | filter string |
@type | | | | Dresden | |
$ curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json"
[{"@context":"","@id":"","@type":"","alternateName":["Bereichsbibliothek DrePunct","SLUB-Bereichsbibliothek DrePunct"],"dateModified":"2019-03-17T12:34:00Z","isBasedOn":"","location":{"@id":"","description":"Ort","name":"Dresden","sameAs":""},"preferredName":"S\u00e4chsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek Dresden. Bereichsbibliothek DrePunct","sameAs":[{"@id":"","isBasedOn":{"@id":"","@type":"Dataset"},"publisher":{"@id":"","abbr":"VIAF","preferredName":"Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)"}},{"@id":"","isBasedOn":{"@id":"","@type":"Dataset"},"publisher":{"@id":"","abbr":"KXP","preferredName":"K10Plus"}},{"@id":"","isBasedOn":{"@id":"","@type":"Dataset"},"publisher":{"@id":"","abbr":"DNB","preferredName":"Deutsche Nationalbibliothek"}}]}]
Sorted Query
For sorting a property (-path) must be defined (compare Filtered Query example) as this will be the property where the sorting is applied to.
$ curl -X GET "" | jq '.[] | {title: .preferredName, location: }'
"title": "Wirksamkeit der EU-Unterstützung für Belarus, Moldau und die Ukraine im Bereich Freiheit, Sicherheit und Recht (gemäß Artikel 248 Absatz 4 Unterabsatz 2 des EG-Vertrags)",
"location": " Luxemburg"
"title": "Střední Povltaví",
"location": " Praha"
"title": "Friedrich Smetana, \"Die Moldau\"",
"location": "Altenmedingen"
"title": "Stifterrecht und Kirchenpatronat im Fürstentum Moldau und in der Bukowina eine historisch-dogmatische Studie zum morgenländischen Kirchenrecht",
"location": "Amsterdam"
"title": "Greece your strategic partner in the new millennium",
"location": "Athens"
"title": "Art und Entwicklung der Bodenerosion in Südrussland",
"location": "Bad Godesberg"
"title": "Konfliktmanagement und Konfliktprävention im Rahmen von OSZE-Langzeitmissionen eine Analyse der Missionen in Moldau und Estland",
"location": "Baden-Baden"
"title": "Die Verfassung der Sozialistischen Föderativen Republik Jugoslawien = Ustav Sozialističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije",
"location": "Beograd"
"title": "Grundriss der polnischen Verfassungsgeschichte",
"location": "Berlin"
"title": "Feld-, Noth- und Belagerungsmünzen von Deutschland, Österreich-Ungarn, Siebenbürgen, Moldau, Dänemark, Schweden, Norwegen, Russland, Polen u.s.w.",
"location": "Berlin"
Advanced Example
To find a entry with the title Carbonverstärkt entspannen erster SLUB-Lounger aus Textilbeton eingeweiht
lets use only the two words SLUB
and textil
. To do so we have to combine both in the following way:
curl -X GET "*%20AND%20SLUB)" | jq '.[].preferredName'
"Carbonverstärkt entspannen erster SLUB-Lounger aus Textilbeton eingeweiht"
is matched by textil*
and both strings are combined with the AND
operator. Note, that the spaces have to be escsaped as %20
according to Percent-encoding